Elevating Rural Fintech: A Journey of Network Transformation

Discover how a leading fintech company in India transformed its network infrastructure to bridge the financial gap in rural areas. This story showcases how leveraging Cisco Meraki's solutions enhanced connectivity and scalability & also simplified network management, enabling the company to provide easy access to banking and financial services to people in Rural India.



  • Network Infrastructure Modernization: Transitioned to a modern, secure, and scalable network infrastructure using Cisco Meraki, addressing network bottlenecks and poor performance.
  • Enhanced Wireless Experience: Upgraded wireless infrastructure with Meraki Wi-Fi 802.11ax access points, expanding coverage and enhancing wireless experiences with high-density solutions.
  • Simplified Network Management: Embraced Meraki's cloud-based management for centralized visibility and control over both wired and wireless infrastructure, simplifying network operations and ensuring optimal performance.


Our client is committed to bridging the financial gap in rural areas by providing easy access to banking and financial services.  

They offer a wide range of services, including financial transactions, PAN card registrations, loans, and direct benefit transfers to people in Rural India. To support their mission and business growth, they needed to transform their network infrastructure.  


To enhance their network infrastructure and support business growth, the client identified several critical challenges that needed addressing. These issues served as the foundation for defining the project's primary requirements:

  • Outdated Network Infrastructure: Network bottlenecks and poor performance made it necessary to transition to a modern, secure, and scalable network infrastructure.
  • Inadequate Wireless Experience: Poor Wi-Fi design was unable to meet the demands of post-pandemic application usage, necessitating an infrastructure upgrade for enhanced wireless connectivity
  • Complex Network Management: The lack of network monitoring tools was complicating network management tasks, highlighting the need for a user-friendly solution with centralized network management capabilities.
  • Limited Scalability: The network needed to be scalable and adaptable, accommodating the company's growth and expansion initiatives.

By articulating these requirements clearly and comprehensively, the fintech company set the stage for a network transformation that would not just meet their immediate needs, but also prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the future.


To meet the fintech company's requirements and deliver a network infrastructure that could power their growth and innovation, we turned to Cisco Meraki's cutting-edge solutions. Our approach was guided by the principles of simplicity, scalability, and security, ensuring that the final solution would be easy to manage, capable of growing with the company, and fortified against evolving cyber threats.

  • Streamlined Connectivity with Meraki Switches: We deployed Meraki's cloud-managed switches across the fintech company's network, creating a robust and resilient foundation for their connectivity needs. These switches, with their advanced features and intuitive management interface, provided the perfect balance of performance and simplicity, enabling the IT team to manage the network with ease and efficiency.
  • High-Performance Wireless with Meraki MR: To deliver an exceptional wireless experience, we implemented Meraki MR access points, leveraging the latest Wi-Fi 6 technology. These access points, with their high-density capabilities and intelligent RF optimization, ensured that the fintech company's employees and customers could enjoy fast, reliable, and seamless wireless connectivity, regardless of their location or device.
  • Centralized Management with Meraki Dashboard: We unified the management of the fintech company's network infrastructure through the Meraki Dashboard, a powerful and intuitive cloud-based platform. With the Dashboard, the IT team gained complete visibility and control over the network, enabling them to monitor performance, troubleshoot issues, and implement changes quickly and easily, all from a single pane of glass.
  • Robust Security with Meraki MX: To fortify the fintech company's network against cyber threats, we deployed Meraki MX security appliances, which combine advanced security features, such as next-generation firewall, intrusion prevention, and content filtering, with the simplicity and scalability of a cloud-managed solution. This ensured that the company's sensitive financial data and intellectual property remained protected at all times.

Business Outcomes:

The strategic overhaul of their network infrastructure yielded significant benefits across various dimensions of the client’s operations and sustainability goals

  • Improved Operational Efficiency: The faster onboarding of devices made possible by the Meraki solution has significantly reduced operational complexities.
  • Enhanced User Experience: With the deployment of Meraki's advanced wireless solutions, employees now enjoy seamless connectivity and enhanced coverage, leading to a notable boost in productivity and collaboration.
  • Heightened Security Posture: The integration of advanced threat protection measures has fortified the fintech company's network security
  • Streamlined Management: The intuitive Cisco Meraki Dashboard has greatly simplified network management tasks, reducing the time and effort required for routine operations and enabling the IT team to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Scalability for Growth: The scalable network infrastructure designed with Cisco Meraki solutions allows the fintech company to expand their operations and customer base without the need for major infrastructure overhauls, ensuring a future-ready platform for growth.
  • Environmental Impact: By leveraging the latest technology that consumes less power, the fintech company has taken a significant step towards reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to its sustainability goals, demonstrating its commitment to environmental stewardship.

With a robust, secure, and scalable network infrastructure powered by Cisco Meraki, they are now poised to drive innovation, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and make a lasting impact on financial inclusion in rural areas.


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