Bata steps into the future with a feature-rich intranet portal for its APAC operations

Bata, a global footwear giant with a legacy spanning over 125 years, has a significant presence in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. As the company expanded its operations across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Bangladesh, it recognized the need for a unified digital platform to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and improve overall efficiency. To that end, they turned to Velocis to help them create a comprehensive intranet solution for their APAC operations.

Application Transformation


  • Seamless integration of HR processes, including employee onboarding and profile management
  • Automated workflows for leave requests, travel claims, and expense claims, saving hundreds of man-hours annually.
  • Centralized repository for policies, forms, and key documents, ensuring easy access and compliance.


Bata India is the largest footwear retailer and manufacturer in the APAC region, with a presence in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Bangladesh. With a wide range of products including leather shoes, sandals, canvas shoes, and slippers, the company caters to diverse customer needs across these markets.


As Bata expanded its operations in the APAC region, they realized the need for a centralized platform to automate their HRMS process such as paperless claim submission, leave management, etc. Some of the key requirements included:

  • Automating manual processes such as leave requests, travel bookings, and expense claims to reduce paperwork and improve efficiency
  • Creating a centralized repository for policies, forms, and other important documents for easy access and reference
  • Develop a scalable HRMS system using modern technology to automate employee onboarding and other processes.
  • Providing a user-friendly interface for employees to access information and complete tasks easily.

Bata sought a comprehensive solution that would address these challenges and provide a scalable platform for employees across different geographies.


​​​​​Velocis’s deep expertise in HR and finance processes across countries enabled them to understand Bata's challenges in managing day-to-day operations. The team's knowledge of travel policies, outstation claims, leave management, and country-specific regulations paved the way for close collaboration with Bata to develop a customized intranet portal that met their unique requirements, streamlined processes, and addressed compliance and policy needs in each APAC country.  Here are the specifics:  

  • Velocis implemented configurable workflows for leave requests, travel bookings, and expense claims. Employees can now submit requests through the portal, which are then routed to the appropriate approvers. This has eliminated paperwork, reduced processing time, and improved efficiency.
  • The intranet portal, deployed on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), PODs as a centralized hub for policies, forms, and other important documents. Employees can easily search for and access the information they need, ensuring consistency and compliance across the organization.
  • The portal integrates with Bata's existing Active directory system to streamline employee onboarding and profile management. New hires can complete necessary documentation and access relevant information through the portal, simplifying the onboarding process.
  • The portal features an intuitive interface built with ReactJS, providing easy navigation and enhancing the overall user experience for Bata's employees in the APAC region. The design ensures that employees can quickly find and access the tools and information they need to perform their tasks efficiently.
  • ​​​Recognizing the importance of mobile accessibility, Velocis designed the HRMS system to be responsive across various devices. Employees can access the portal seamlessly from their smartphones or tablets, enabling them to stay connected and productive on the go.  
  • AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) is used for secure and efficient data storage, while AWS Simple Email Service (SES) handles email communication within the portal laying the foundations for a scalable infrastructure.

Business outcomes

The implementation of the intranet portal has brought significant benefits to Bata's APAC operations:

  • Increased productivity: The automation of manual processes has reduced the time and effort required for leave requests, travel claim submission, and expense claims. Employees can now focus on more value-added tasks, leading to increased productivity and faster turnaround times.
  • Enhanced employee experience: The user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation have improved employee satisfaction and engagement. The portal has become a go-to resource for employees to access information, collaborate with colleagues, and complete tasks efficiently.
  • ​​​Cost savings: Notably, the elimination of paper-based processes and the streamlining of workflows have resulted in significant cost savings for the company. The centralized document repository has consequently also reduced the need for physical storage space and associated maintenance costs.
  • Compliance and consistency: With easy access to policies, forms, and key documents, employees can ensure compliance with company guidelines and maintain consistency across different locations.

By leveraging Velocis' expertise in digital transformation, Bata APAC has successfully implemented a feature-rich intranet portal that has automated various processes, enhanced employee experience, and improved overall operational efficiency. The solution has positioned Bata APAC for continued growth and success in the dynamic footwear industry.

Application Transformation

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