Modern Workplace Solutions

Simplify, Streamline, and Empower Your Meetings and Collaborations

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Modern Workplace Solutions

In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses are seeking ways to enhance productivity and improve remote collaboration. Enter the modern workplace, a blend of physical and digital environments that facilitate seamless communication and collaboration. Yet, with diverse meeting requirements and the challenge of integrating various technologies, creating an efficient and flexible workspace can seem like a daunting task.

Your Guide - Velocis

At Velocis, we design an extensive range of enterprise-grade solutions for Unified Communications, Room Control, and Wireless Presentation, with one goal in mind – enabling users to achieve greater productivity and success. We strive to facilitate remote participation via native UC, BYOD, or third-party video conferencing systems, thus providing a consistent user experience across your organization.

In today's context, where minimizing physical contact is paramount, we're ahead of the curve with our low and zero-touch technology solutions. These multimedia spaces significantly reduce the risk of virus transmission and minimize janitorial requirements, making us an essential ally in your fight against the pandemic.

Boardroom Solutions - Powering Key Decisions

A boardroom is more than a meeting space; it's where the gears of governance turn and organizational performance is decided. It's crucial that all participants can see, hear, and communicate clearly, regardless of their locations. At Velocis, we understand the importance of impressions and precision in this setting.

Our consultants collaborate with you to assess your AV requirements and ensure the right tools are in place, offering expertly engineered and highly reliable audio/visual systems. With us, you can be confident that your boardroom technology works flawlessly, enabling efficient, productive meetings.

Conference Rooms - Enabling Collaborative Decisions

Whether it's a small functional conference room equipped with a projector/display and conference phone, or a large executive conference room integrated with cutting-edge audio, video, and display systems, we've got you covered. Our diverse solutions for conference rooms accommodate your team's requirements, fostering a collaborative environment for decisive discussions.

Moreover, we recognize that video conferencing systems are an integral tool in today's business world. Hence, our solutions seamlessly incorporate this technology, ensuring efficient remote collaborations.

Room Scheduling - Streamlining Productivity

Our advanced architecture simplifies room scheduling management, boosting productivity, and eliminating confusion. Browse room options based on availability, capacity, and amenities, and sync with your enterprise's calendar system. Mounted tablets display upcoming room schedules and the time before the next meeting, allowing teams to book meetings straight from the door.

Customization & Assistance - We've Got You Covered

We offer a complete range of systems, each designed with user adaptability in mind. But we don't stop there - if you require customization, we're ready to assist. With Velocis, rest assured that your modern workspace will be a perfect blend of technology and functionality, enabling you to conquer any challenge that comes your way

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